Electrical Training Courses

Health and Safety

Electrical installation(INFRASTRUCTURE construction)

Electrical semi skilled

Electrical sensor installation

Electrical installation of streetlights and maintenance

Electrical Boiler Installation and maintenance

Electrical gate motor and maintenance

Course Duration: 1 month

Course Price:      NQF  level 1,2,3 R8500

                              NQF level 4 ONLY R9500 

Health and safety

motor testing and installation

electrical panel building (direct online starter , forward and reverse , star/delta, sequence starter, resistance starter etc  for 230v and 380v)

Course Duration: 1 month training program

Course Price: NQF level 1,2,3  R10500

NQF level 4  R12500 


Course content:

  1. -voltage on no load .
  2. voltage on load
  3. voltage on worse conditions
  4. elevated voltage
  5. earth leakage testing
  6. polarity test
  7. continuity bonding conductor
  8. insullation resistance test
  9. loop impedance
  10. e test
  11. phase rotation test
  12. continuity of circuit breaker
  13. earth resistance test
  14. inspection and testing
  15. filling of certificate of compliance
  16. prospective short circuit current test(pscc)  

Single phase voltage and three phase voltage.

Requirements for Wiremans license:

Wireman’s License (Certificate of Compliance) 2022

Unit Standard 113898 (5 points) Complete Certificate of Compliance for Single-Phase Domestic Installation.

Unit Standard 258966 (10 points) Inspect and test a Single-Phase domestic Installation.

Unit Standard 13683 (5 points) Issue Certificate of Compliance for a Domestic/Commercial/Industrial Installation.

Unit Standard 259197 (10 points) Test and inspect a Three-Phase Industrial and Commercial Installation.

Course requirements: ALL learners need to bring their own SANS 10142-1:2020 Edition 3 (Installation Rules book).

Single Phase Learners (These meters can be ordered by us)

1. Digital Insulation Tester
2.Loop/PSC Impedance Tester
3.400A AC Clamp Tester
4.ELCB Tester

Three Phase Learners (These meters can be ordered by us)

1.Earth Resistance Tester
2.Digital Insulation Tester
3.Loop/PSC Impedance Tester
4.Phase Rotation Meter

Single Phase only:
Requirement If a learner does not have any school qualifications (N3 – N6), a Trade Test Certificate or Installation Rules Paper 1 & 2 the following is required: Letter from company stating 5 years or more working experience in the field (not negotiable) ID Document C.V. (very important)

Three Phase installation electrician: Requirement ID, All Certificates of Qualification obtained N 3, 4, 5 or 6 and Matric certificate etc.

Trade Test Certificate Installation Rules Paper 1 & 2 (you must have) C.V (very important)

Training Duration: 2 days

Course price : R7500 (including portfolio of evidence)

Portfolio of evidence only R3500 – duration – 1 day

Requirements Documents:

1. Original Certified Copy of ID

2. Original Certified copy of Qualification

3.Original Certified Copy relevant to the Trade

4. Original Service Letter.

Duration of Trade Test Preparation and Assessment: minimum 3 weeks ,

Trade Testing Section 26D Red Seal : 2 days.

Course Price:

Trade Testing only R5000.

Trade Test Preparation ,Trade Test Assessment and Trade Testing R14500.


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